Canterbury Shared Ownership Housing The Benefits

Canterbury Shared Ownership Housing: The Benefits

In this article, we will explore the advantages of shared ownership housing in Canterbury.

Known for its lower cost of living compared to London and its picturesque medieval atmosphere, Canterbury presents an attractive option for those seeking affordable housing.

Shared ownership offers individuals the opportunity to become homeowners, even without a substantial mortgage deposit. By purchasing a house through shared ownership, individuals can enjoy the benefits of homeownership while making monthly rent and mortgage payments.

Additionally, buying more shares in shared ownership not only reduces rent but also allows individuals to profit from increasing property prices. Ultimately, this can lead to owning 100% of the property and eliminating rent payments altogether.

When comparing Canterbury to London, while the latter may offer more opportunities, Canterbury provides a spacious, clean, and affordable alternative. Many British citizens working in London choose to reside in Canterbury, benefiting from its proximity to the capital and the balanced lifestyle it offers.

Key Takeaways

  • Shared ownership housing in Canterbury makes owning a home more affordable, especially for those who can't afford a mortgage deposit.
  • Buying more shares in shared ownership decreases rent and allows for potential profits from rising property prices.
  • Selling shares in shared ownership can be profitable due to the steadily rising property prices in Canterbury.
  • Living in Canterbury allows for a balance between opportunities in London and a comfortable, affordable lifestyle in a spacious and clean environment.

Reasons to Choose Shared Ownership Housing

There are several reasons to choose shared ownership housing in Canterbury.

One of the main reasons is the lower cost of living compared to London. Property prices and rents in Canterbury are more affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking to own a home.

Additionally, Canterbury offers a beautiful, graceful, and medieval atmosphere, which is trendy among young people buying their first house.

Another advantage of shared ownership housing in Canterbury is its close proximity to London, with a one-hour train commute. This allows residents to have access to job opportunities and amenities in the city while enjoying a more affordable and spacious living environment in Canterbury.

The Affordability of Shared Ownership in Canterbury

The affordability of shared ownership in Canterbury is evident through its lower mortgage and deposit requirements compared to traditional home ownership. Here are four key reasons why shared ownership is a more affordable option:

  1. Lower mortgage requirements: With shared ownership, buyers only need to secure a mortgage for a portion of the property, reducing the overall loan amount and monthly mortgage payments.
  2. Reduced deposit: Shared ownership typically requires a smaller deposit compared to buying a property outright, making it more accessible for first-time buyers or those with limited savings.
  3. Lower monthly costs: In addition to the lower mortgage payments, shared ownership also involves paying rent on the remaining share of the property. However, this combined cost is often lower than the monthly rent for a similar property in the private rental market.
  4. Opportunity for gradual homeownership: Shared ownership allows buyers to start their journey towards full homeownership by purchasing a share of the property and gradually increasing their ownership over time. This gradual approach can be more manageable and affordable for many individuals or families.

Advantages of Buying More Shares in Shared Ownership

To fully capitalize on the benefits of shared ownership, it is advisable to consider increasing your shares in the property. Buying more shares in shared ownership comes with several advantages. Firstly, it decreases your rent, allowing you to allocate more of your monthly budget towards building equity in the property. Secondly, as property prices in Canterbury continue to rise, you can benefit from the appreciation by owning a larger portion of the house. Furthermore, by gradually purchasing more shares, you have the opportunity to eventually own 100% of the property and eliminate rent payments altogether. Additionally, there are no restrictions on buying and selling shares, providing flexibility for future financial decisions. Selling your shares can also yield a profit due to the rising property prices in Canterbury. The following table summarizes the advantages of buying more shares in shared ownership:

Advantages of Buying More Shares in Shared Ownership
Decreases rent
Benefits from rising property prices
Can eventually own 100% of the house
No restrictions on buying and selling shares
Selling shares can yield a profit

Selling Shares in Shared Ownership

Frequently, individuals who own shares in shared ownership housing in Canterbury may choose to sell their shares to capitalize on the rising property prices in the area. Selling shares in shared ownership has become an attractive option due to the following reasons:

  1. Capitalizing on rising property prices: Canterbury's property market has been steadily increasing, making it an opportune time for shareholders to sell their shares and potentially make a profit.
  2. No restrictions on buying and selling shares: Unlike traditional homeownership, shared ownership allows individuals to freely buy and sell their shares without any restrictions, providing flexibility for those looking to sell their shares.
  3. Must sell all shares: When selling shares in shared ownership, it is important to note that all shares must be sold. This means that individuals will no longer have a stake in the property and will need to move out to make way for the next tenant.
  4. Making way for the next tenant: Selling shares in shared ownership requires individuals to vacate the property, allowing the next tenant to take over the ownership of the shares and continue the shared ownership arrangement.

Comparing London and Canterbury for Shared Ownership Housing

When comparing shared ownership housing options, London and Canterbury offer distinct advantages and considerations.

London, being a bustling metropolis, provides a wide array of opportunities but is plagued by issues such as congestion and pollution.

On the other hand, Canterbury boasts a more spacious and affordable living environment with its lower cost of living compared to London.

While London may have more job prospects, many British citizens opt to live in Canterbury and commute daily to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Canterbury's proximity to London allows residents to strike a balance between work and quality of life.

Additionally, the property prices in Canterbury are steadily rising, making it an attractive option for those seeking shared ownership housing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Eligibility Criteria for Shared Ownership Housing in Canterbury?

The eligibility criteria for shared ownership housing in Canterbury include being a first-time buyer or a previous homeowner who cannot afford to buy a property outright, having a household income within specified limits, and being able to demonstrate a good credit history.

Can I Apply for Shared Ownership Housing if I Already Own a Property?

Yes, you can apply for shared ownership housing in Canterbury even if you already own a property. Shared ownership is a viable option for those who can't afford a mortgage deposit and allows you to become a homeowner with a smaller mortgage and deposit.

Are There Any Additional Costs Associated With Shared Ownership Housing in Canterbury?

Yes, there are additional costs associated with shared ownership housing in Canterbury. These can include service charges, ground rent, and maintenance costs. It is important to consider these expenses when budgeting for shared ownership homeownership.

How Do I Apply for Shared Ownership Housing in Canterbury?

To apply for shared ownership housing in Canterbury, individuals can start by contacting a housing association or developer offering shared ownership properties. They will need to meet certain eligibility criteria, complete an application, and provide necessary documentation for assessment.

Are There Any Limitations on the Types of Properties Available for Shared Ownership in Canterbury?

There are no limitations on the types of properties available for shared ownership in Canterbury. This allows individuals to choose from a range of options, including apartments, townhouses, and detached houses, based on their preferences and needs.


In conclusion, shared ownership housing in Canterbury offers numerous benefits for individuals who are unable to afford a mortgage deposit.

By buying a house through shared ownership, individuals can become homeowners and have the opportunity to eventually own 100% of the property, eliminating rent payments.

The affordability, potential for increased shares, and the attractive alternative to living in London make shared ownership in Canterbury an appealing option for those seeking a balance between work and quality of life.

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